Questions and answers about «FourierScope» - Research of radio signals and their spectra

The introduction or what buttons and what they do? About «FourierScope» - Research of radio signals and their spectra

The editor of signals allows quickly and to construct a desirable signal conveniently. The editor Can be in 3 modes: moving of points, addition of points, removal Points. At program start the mode of addition of points is automatically activated, At once to begin signal construction. Modes are switched to panels Tools of the editor or from the main menu.

The panel of buttons of the program

Button What they do
Work with files
New Signal Creates the New Signal. The field of a current signal is cleared.
To load in the editor a signal from a file Loads in the editor a signal from a file.
To save a current signal in a current file. Save a current signal in a current file.
Attention! All changes of a signal by means of this button saved in a current open file. If you wish to save current changes in other file - you need to choose the menu [ File ] -> [ Save as ... ]
Switching of modes of the editor.
These are buttons switches - they remember your choice and remain in the pressed condition.
Other connected buttons switches are switched off.
The editor of signals in a mode of moving of pieces and points The editor of signals in a mode of moving of pieces and points switches.
The editor of signals in a mode of addition of new points The editor of signals in a mode of addition of new points switches.
The editor of signals in a mode of removal of old points The editor of signals in a mode of removal of old points switches.
Work with points
To edit exact co-ordinates of the chosen point The editor of exact co-ordinates of the chosen point opens.
This button to become active if the editor is in a mode of moving of tops and pieces and thus you have allocated one of chart points.
Work with pieces
To transform a piece to a straight line Will transform a piece to a straight line.
To transform a piece to a line of Beze Will transform a piece to a line of Beze.
Comparison of signals and spectra.
The editor allows to draw simultaneously two different signals on one field. They have different colours and also it is possible to compare their spectra.
To edit the basic signal Includes editing of the basic signal.
To edit an additional signal Includes editing of an additional signal.
Scaling and the detailed information on signals.
To allocate scaling area To allocate scaling area.
Having pressed this button you can allocate in rectangular area a spectrum or signal part. This allocated area will be scaled till the sizes of all field of the chart. For this purpose establish the mouse pointer in the allocation beginning, clamp the right button of the mouse Also allocate desirable area, release the right button of the mouse.
Attention! In the editor of signals to allocate area it is possible the LEFT button of the mouse. And in bookmarks of viewing of spectra and visualisation RIGHT.
To show the chart completely To show the chart completely.
All charts will be scaled till the sizes of all field of the chart.
To increase scale To increase scale.
The chart is scaled concerning the centre of area of construction.
To reduce scale To reduce scale.
The chart is scaled concerning the centre of area of construction.
To add a marker on the chart To add a marker on the chart.
For any point on the chart it is possible to put a visual marker by means of this button, With exact co-ordinates of a point.
Signal modulation
To adjust signal modulation Opens a dialogue window for adjustment of modulation of a signal.
How to create a new signal? About «FourierScope» - Research of radio signals and their spectra

At start-up of the program the pure template for drawing a signal is automatically created, but it is possible to create it manually, by pressing a button of the toolbar ` to create a new signal ` or by selecting similar item in the main menu. After that there will be a dialogue for a task of properties: the initial scale of a signal on axes X, Y and whether is a signal periodic (it is required at the spectral analysis).

Master for Create Signal

To create a signal, we make the following: In a mode of adding of points we click the Mouse in a window of the editor and press a left-hand button we pull to receive the first section of the future signal. By releasing a left-hand mouse button, we shall fix an obtained section. Further, to construct new sections or to divide old on two, simply we click the Mouse more to the right, more to the left or inside an old section. And thus is extendable to draw a signal of the necessary form.

How to edit a signal? About «FourierScope» - Research of radio signals and their spectra

At any moment at creation of a signal, it is possible will be switched in a mode of moving of points, that allows you to change coordinates earlier constructed points. Also with the help of double clique on a chosen point or section is possible to call the dialogue for editing their properties. For a point it is possible manually to set of its coordinate, and the coordinates will be limited to a position of adjacent points. In the dialogue of properties of a section it is possible to select it a type:

  1. Line
  2. Bezier - Curve
  3. Any function

By selection of the third type it is possible to enter the necessary function, then a section in the editor of signs it the form (if, certainly, the function mathematically is correct). The program at the analysis of the formula understands arithmetical operations: +, -, *, / , ^ (exponentiation); numerical constants, number PI: `pi`, number e: `exp`; and also set of main trigonometrically and logarithmic functions: sin, cos, tg, ctg, ln, log2, log10.

Master to setup Segment Params

For editing a signal, probably, it is required to delete any point. It can be made in a mode of moving of points, by allocating the necessary point and by pressing a key `Delete` on the keyboard, or it is possible to proceed in a mode of deleting of points, by pressing a button, switch on the button panel of the program, then the click of the Mouse on any point will delete it.

How to adjust area of the review of a signal? About «FourierScope» - Research of radio signals and their spectra

In anyone from three editing`s it is possible to set up a view point behind a signal in a window of the editor and scale of survey. On the upper toolbar there are buttons for increase / reduction of a scale, and for self tuning survey for the full review of the chart. Also in any editing it is possible to increase the necessary area of the chart. For it it is necessary зажав a with the right of mouse button to allocate area, which you wish to increase.

How to receive all spectra of a signal? About «FourierScope» - Research of radio signals and their spectra

After a construction of a desirable signal to receive it of spectral reflectance, simply we click on a bookmark ` an Amplitude spectrum `, ` a Phase spectrum ` or ` a Power spectrum `. Thus the editor will be switched in the browse mode of obtained spectra and there will be a special cursor, which follows ` under the chart ` for survey of precociously values of spectral reflectance. The moving of this cursor is made with the help of left button clicks on the chart.

The kind of spectral reflectance depends on that, the signal periodic whether or not is (that is there will be a spectrum continuous or as a set of harmonics). It is possible to set this property at creation of a new signal or at any moment in the dialogue of tunings. If is given, that a signal periodic, the analyzer understands specific in the editor a signal as one period. If acyclic, specific in the editor the signal is understood as specific area of an infinite signal, and outside of specific area the signal is equal to zero.

How to an initial signal it is possible to apply modulation? About «FourierScope» - Research of radio signals and their spectra

To an initial signal it is possible to apply modulation one from three kinds: amplitude, frequent or phase. All parameters of modulation are set in the dialog box ` Parameters of modulation `:

The Master for Modulation of a Signal

  1. Kind of modulation - there is no modulation, amplitude, frequent or phase.
  2. Amplitude - amplitude of the modulated signal.
  3. Frequency - frequency of the modulated signal.
  4. Phase - phase of the modulated signal in radians.
  5. Factor - special parameter, which characterizes depth of modulation: for amplitude it characterizes deviation of amplitude from initial value depending on a level of a signal, for frequent - deviation of frequency and for phase - deviation of a phase.
How to adjust parametres of the spectral analyzer? About «FourierScope» - Research of radio signals and their spectra

The parameters of the editor and analyzer can be set up in the `Set-up` dialog box, which is called through the main menu ` the Analysis - > of Set-up … `. In this window it is possible to set parameters of the editor:

The Program Settings

  1. Binding points on coordinates - for facilitation of a construction of simple geometric signals, such as меандр or triangle. It is possible for convenience to include binding with the necessary values and then each point at moving will receive strictly specific values to multiple value of a step of binding.
  2. Quantity of points curve Bezier - level of approximation by curve specific four managing points. Than more value of this parameter - especially curve smoothly will be outlined, but the installation of very large values can slow speed of the spectral analysis.
  3. Step of function evaluation - step on a time scale, on which the values of a function are calculated. Than less step - that will exacter be given a function, but input of very small values, it can slow speed of the spectral analysis.
  4. Initial and final frequency - the interval of frequencies, in which is necessary to make the spectral analysis.
  5. The periodic signal - whether is a signal periodic. Influences a kind of spectral reflectance.
How quickly to change options? About «FourierScope» - Research of radio signals and their spectra

Some key parameters of the editor and analyzer can fast be set up not opening the `Set-up` dialogue, immediately in the main window of the program. It is such key parameters as:

The Quick Settings

  1. Binding points on coordinates - for facilitation of a construction of simple geometric signals, such as меандр or triangle. It is possible for convenience to include binding with the necessary values and then each point at moving will receive strictly specific values to multiple value of a step of binding.
  2. Initial and final frequency - the interval of frequencies, in which is necessary to make the spectral analysis.
  3. The periodic signal - whether is a signal periodic. Influences a kind of spectral reflectance.
How to me to put markers of levels of a signal? About «FourierScope» - Research of radio signals and their spectra

If you wish to make results of researches more evident, you can for any point on charts add text markers:

Set Markers on the Chart

  1. Markers are interactive - If on a marker to make double click a mouse that it it is possible to edit.
  2. The marker is moved - the Marker can be dragged a mouse in any place on the chart - thus from it always goes footnote which specifies in a point with which the marker is connected.
  3. Markers do not remain - Markers do not remain in a file of signals. If to switch bookmarks markers disappear.